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Rives to speak at Louisiana GOHSEP Conference - January 20

Clay Rives, NIMSAT Director, is speaking at the 2015 Annual Louisiana Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (GOHSEP) Conference on January 20 at the Crown Plaza hotel in Baton Rouge, LA. Rives will be discussing the importance of registering with the Louisiana Business Emergency Operations Center

The Louisiana Business Emergency Operations Center (LA BEOC) is a joint partnership between Louisiana Economic Development (LED), the Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (GOHSEP), the NIMSAT Institute at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette and the Stephenson Disaster Management Institute (SDMI) at LSU.

The LA BEOC supports the coordination of activities and resources of businesses and volunteer organizations in Louisiana and across the nation as well as with the public sector to improve response, improve self-sufficiency, reduce reliance on FEMA and other federal assistance in order to maximize business, industry and economic stabilization, returning the business environment to normal operations as quickly as possible. The LABEOC portal, created by NIMSAT, integrates advanced interactive communications technologies donated by First Call Network Inc., to send real-time alerts and notifications to facilitate communication of critical information between the public and private sector stakeholders in emergency preparedness and response.