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Disaster Management


The Institute collaborates with multiple agencies, schools, and businesses to improve disaster mitigation, response, and recovery.

Looking for a disaster management consultant?

Is your business disaster-ready? Take the Assessment 

If you are looking for more help, the NIMSAT Institute and the Louisiana Business Emergency Operations Center team can help you create a tabletop exercise and finalize your disaster management plan.

Last year, Expro Group Holdings N.V. (NYSE: XPRO), a full–cycle energy service, brought in Jim Williams, Public-Private Partnership Operations Officer with the Louisiana Business Emergency Operations Center to provide feedback on their mitigation plan to help meet their safety objectives. Jim and his team created a tabletop exercise to stress their emergency plan and identify areas of improvement.










We can help with 

  • Hazard Mitigation
  • Exercises
  • Public-Private Partnerships
  • Disaster Management for Business
  • Disaster Mitigation


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