Dr. Christoph Borst Wins Mozilla Grant for Creative Gigabit Project
Wed, 11/08/2017 - 11:41amCongratulations to the Dr. Borst and his team on the Kvasir-VR project. Through the Mozilla Gigabit Community Fund — a partnership with the National Science Foundation and U.S. Ignite — Mozilla invests in projects that leverage lightning-fast gigabit internet connectivity to further education and workforce development. UL Lafayette and David Thibodaux STEM academy will pilot an immersive VR field trip experience that allows educators and experts to guide and assess students through the Cleco Alternative Energy Center in Crowley, Louisiana. Led by University of Louisiana at Lafayette.
Mozilla Annoucement: https://blog.mozilla.org/blog/2017/11/01/275k-in-grants-for-creative-gig...