Mobile Operations Center

NIMSAT partially funded the UL Lafayette Police Department’s 33-foot motor coach, which is designed and outfitted to serve as a command center for University leadership in any crisis.

Emergency Preparedness

NIMSAT offers extensive planning, training, and exercises in emergency response, ensuring your organization and community are safe in the midst of a crisis.

A Homeland Security & Emergency Management Center

The National Incident Management Systems and Advanced Technologies (NIMSAT) Institute focuses on enriching public-private partnerships and advanced information technologies to enhance the national resiliency for a full range of potential disasters.

As a homeland security and emergency management institute, our mission is to Save Human Lives.

Our experienced emergency management team joins university researchers and technology experts to build a more resilient America through education, training, outreach, and operational support to empower the homeland security and emergency management community.
Learn more about our research projects here.
Contact us to learn more.


Who manages the daily operations of the LABEOC?

The NIMSAT Institute at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.

What is the Louisiana Business Emergency Operations Center?

Founded in 2010, the LABEOC supports the business community during a disaster. The goal is to improve response, improve self-sufficiency, and reduce reliance on FEMA and other federal assistance to maximize business, industry, and economic stabilization, returning the business environment to normal operations as quickly as possible.

How can the LABEOC help my business?

  • Receive immediate notification of state and parish decisions affecting your business. These notifications (evacuation, road closure, etc.) are pertinent to your business disaster plan and employee safety. Rather than searching for information online or in other forms of media, the most up-to-date information is listed in one place.
  • Receive notification of emerging state needs. As needs arise during the response and recovery from an emergency, you can receive alerts as a business, nonprofit, government agency, or concerned citizen. These notifications are designed to engage businesses throughout the state and stimulate our economy.
  • Situational Awareness. We may ask you to report post-storm status, recovery issues, economic impact, or supply chain demands. By gauging the situational awareness of local businesses, officials can make informed decisions and avoid duplication or conflict of efforts from different sectors.

How do I get involved?

Join the Preferred Vendor List

What partners are involved in the LABEOC?

The LABEOC is a partnership between the Louisiana Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency PreparednessLouisiana Economic Development, and the NIMSAT Institute at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. 





Where do I find more information?

For more information, visit

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